
    “In an economy, where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure source of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge.” /Ikujiro Nonaka/

Knowledge management IN PRACTICE

Knowledge Management (KM) in practice embraces all the tools, techniques and processes that are supporting the efficient utilization of information, knowledge and experiences –either existing in databases, or in the head of you, or your employees. You might need knowledge management consultancy services if you think that any of your processes, applications or continuous improvement attitude could be developed, but not sure where to start, or how to continue. Definitely contact us, if you feel that none of them could be improved! 

We help you to identify, prioritize and realize your development opportunities that are key in your change progress, and in improving your knowledge sharing maturity. MindOn SolutionsTM's strategic knowledge management consultancy services help you in getting the right things done right! It starts with Productivity –or else Effectiveness (Doing the Right Things)- and continues with Performance -alias Efficiency (Doing Things Right)- and finishes with your success.


A value based approach: the holistic strategy 

The effective KM strategy considers the various elements of the enterprise architecture comprehensively, as a system: the technological infrastructure, the processes, the people and the way of communication as part of the organizational culture. Our consultants help you to work out your holistic knowledge management strategy and implement it successfully -along the whole value chain.


With the instruments of knowledge management, proper information reaches the proper place at a proper time – proper people through proper systems and processes – helping the use and reuse of existing knowledge and experiences, developing new knowledge and sharing it cost effectively in order to improve the efficiency of the entire organization. KM can help to:

      avoid loss of know-how,
      avoid repetition of mistakes,
      reduce information dumping,
      avoid unnecessary work duplication,
      avoid expensive reinvention of existing solutions.

How MindOn SolutionsTM can help?

We help you to focus on the most value-driven, cost-effective and practical strategies for managing one of your company’s most valuable assets: knowledge and information. Our highly qualified team of experienced professionals support you in designing, implementing and continuously enhancing innovative solutions that drive business results and strategic changes!